So, I kinda figured out that if I want people to continue following my blog, I proooobably should write about things other than Alpha Delta Pi and my life as a Leadership Consultant. I am definitely passionate about those two subjects, but there are so many other topics that I light a fire inside of me.
In the past few months I've spent a lot of time alone, whether it's in the airport, taking a walk, meditating, etc. and luckily that means a lot of self reflection has been done on my part. Yet with all the millions of topics I could be reflecting upon, I keep coming back to this one topic. That one argument, that one continuous thought I just can't seem to get off of my mind is...How much is too much to give to a relationship where you are not receiving anything/0.05% back of what you are giving?
Now if you know me at all, I don't have the best luck with the men I've dated, so when you read this, it would be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious if you did not automatically think I was complaining about my love life/lack of love life. This can relate to any relationship you have ever had with anyone: father, mother, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, boss, friend, colleague, professor, and the list goes on and on and on. As human beings, relationships are how we thrive and they bring out who we truly are, whether that is good or bad. But although relationships are the essence to life, as human beings it is exhausting, and it certainly can't be healthy, to exist in a relationship where only one person is trying to make the relationship successful and the other is constantly relying on that person to make it work. It's detrimental, unfair, and frustrating.

But what if you've decided it's time to cut the cord and see that relationship fizzle away? Is it hypocritical to talk about how that person devoted 0% to the relationship, yet discontinue to talk to that person and discontinue to put effort into the relationship? I mean to constantly say, "He or she doesn't call me/he or she doesn't reach out to me," but to not be the one calling or reaching out to that person, is that hypocritical? How do you justify that you've done enough and tried as much as possible? I suppose it is a reoccurring question in my mind and I know there is not a solid answer, but all I can do is keep referring back to the above quote.