Monday, June 20, 2011

And So It Begins...

In less than 5 hours, I will be waking up to get ready for a drive down to Detroit Metro Airport.
In less than 7 hours, I will be getting dropped off at the airport to board a plane that will take me to the hot, sunny, and beautiful state of Arizona.
Finally, in less than 8 hours, I will be boarding a plane to Phoenix, Arizona to attend the 160th Alpha Delta Pi Anniversary Convention. 

This plane ride will be unlike any other plane ride I have ever been on. As I am departing Detroit, I am departing a familiar life that I once knew. A life of living in Rochester, a life of having a job at a golf course, a life of a recent college graduate.
When my plane leaves the ground at 8:42AM, I am leaving that life and beginning a new and exciting one. In this new life, I will be living out of a suitcase, traveling to more colleges and universities than I could even imagine, living in more buildings than I will ever accumulate in my entire lifetime, and I will be working for an organization that I so strongly believe in.

Yep, my job as an Alpha Delta Pi 2011-2012 Leadership Consultant begins this week at The Arizona Biltmore.
My home for the next 5 days!!!

begin training with my 6 fellow LCs and I get to meet all the big wigs who are the brains behind Alpha Delta Pi. 
I will be participating in some of Alpha Delta Pi's traditional Convention events.
I will be eating some of the most amazing food that could ever be served (I really need to start practicing my dinner etiquette-good thing I have plenty of time on my plane ride.)
I will be seeing my grandparents on Friday during free time!!
I will be wearing a super fancy dress to a super fancy dinner.
I will finally get to meet my fellow LC sisters!!
I will be engulfed in Alpha Delta Pi pride and I could not be more excited!

Let's just say, this time last year I never imagined this is what I would be doing with my life. I have got to say, I hit the freakin jackpot with this job. 

Peace, love, and Alpha Delta Pi. 
See ya kiddies when I come home.